As with all
rites of passage, potty training is one based in many hours of hard work, perseverance,
patience, tears, and ultimately triumphs. The natives even put in some work, too.
It is that
time again in the jungle for a native to learn to shed his diaper and take to
the throne of champions. Early days of introduction to potty training were met
with much resistance. The younger native saw no good reason as to why he should
make such a fuss and effort when he had a perfectly good system in place
already. He could eat and drink whenever he pleased, he could watch a show,
read a story, even hold a conversation all the whilst “taking care of business”
and best of all there was a caretaker ready and seemingly willing to clean it
up. Why mess with such an efficient system?
the promise of a potty of his very own featuring the man, the legend, Elmo, coupled
with the incentive of superhero underpants, the younger native was on
board with the idea.
The challenges faced with the infantile native are unlike anything I experienced with the elder native. For instance,
the elder native never found such pleasure in urinating on anything and
everything, except the actual potty. Sure, the elder native enjoyed “watering
bushes in the backyard”; however he never found amusement in peeing on freshly
laundered linens. The younger native however found this increasingly entertaining
and it became a challenge to him to see how far he could push the line. I have
consequently discovered that the line most undoubtedly lies with urinating on
your caregiver and/or sibling, or of course the jungle cat.
After a few
weeks the novelty of soaking siblings and laundry seemed to
subside. The young native seems to be getting the hang of things. Sure, he has
some “teaching moments” here and there, and sure, we may not be allowed back
into a certain place of business after the young native used the fountain in
the lobby for something other than making a wish, but all in all, I’d say it’s just another day in
the jungle.
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