In the Jungle it can be difficult to get the natives to eat proper nourishment. Here are a couple more recipes for restless natives:
Organic Zucchini Tots:
- 2 Organic Zuchhinis
- 2 Large Eggs
- 1/2 Organic Yellow Onion
- 1/4 Cup Monterrey Jack Cheese
- Salt and Pepper to taste
Oil two mini muffin trays with olive oil or unsalted butter.
Grate zucchinis onto a cloth towel. Wrap up the towel and wring out excess water; then empty contents into a medium sized bowl.
Dice onion and add to bowl.
Mix in cheese, seasonings and eggs.
Using hands or a wooden spoon mix ingredients making sure to coat everything thoroughly with the eggs.
Place a teaspoon full into each section of the mini muffin tray. Press down contents to pack them tight so they will hold together after baking.
Bake for 16 minutes. Remove from oven, cool and Enjoy!

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Jungle Ice "Cream" (No Ice Cream Maker Required)
- 5-6 Organic Bananas
- 2/3 Cup Natural Peanut Butter
- 1/8 Cup Cocoa Powder
When it is fully chilled, scoop into bowls and Enjoy!
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