Sunday, December 23, 2012

Rain... Day 4

After the terrifying hostility observed yesterday afternoon I decided to call in the only reinforcements I have known to work in such cases. I have heard the natives refer to them as “Grandma and Papa”.

I decided to leave the small creatures in the care of those saintly visiting explorers while I take refuge in the land of the big people for 24 hours.

I felt this much needed break would allow me time to regain my strength to take on the challenges that surely awaited my return.

As I approach the end of my 24 hour pass I can’t help but feel a tad perplexed at where my time has gone. While I had planned to put my hours of reprieve towards some much needed “me time”; as my caffeinated sweet relief kicks in I am recalling the events of the evening. After helping a fellow caretaker for several hours I used the remaining time to prepare for the upcoming festivities. To be honest it’s a blur of red and silver with tape, screws and the occasional bolt thrown in, (because when at the establishment at which I purchased these supplies month ago “some assembly required” had the facade of simplicity. Yet as the clock struck 1:00 AM and words were flying only a sailor would approve of, I found myself, let’s say,  “slightly agitated” that I had made the decision some 2 months before that an extra $10 for the establishment to assemble all these offerings would just be plain frivolous. Yet another gold star for me on thinking it through…

It’s Christmastime in the jungle and this means hours upon hours of encasing more shiny noise making items for the natives, which they will of course later use to engage in a noise making battle with each other and possibly even in a bigger plot to overthrow their caretaker.

But as all of us in the suburban wilderness do, we must prepare for the arrival of the big man in red by pre-shopping, pre-wrapping and pre-baking for him; (hmmm why does this process seem familiar..?). Any way…

Regardless I shall spend my last hour of freedom as I always do, rocking myself, sipping my coffee and pretending to focus on fantasies of white sandy beaches while in reality making lists in my head of supplies to be gathered and tasks that are sadly not going to do themselves.

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